How do people actually die from Alzheimer’s Disease?


How do people actually die from Alzheimer’s Disease?

In: 6615

44 Answers

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My mom was diagnosed about 3 months ago. Early Onset Dementia

It is SO hard.

She still knows who her immediate family is for now – but she doesn’t remember my best friends whom I have known since 9th grade that she say every day and even now at least a couple of times a month (I am 45 now), she didn’t know who my partners mom was at my oldest son’s 18th birthtday last week.

I went to help my dad break down some boxes for a new TV stand he bought for the basement, so we were taking apart the old one, and putting together the new one and breaking down the boxes for recycling, and my mom got SO upset.

It became a fight about why we were replacing things just because it was older, and when we were going to replace her. she kept trying to call my brother to come pick her up, and saying how she was just going to leave because we didn’t want her here and would be replacing her next.

No matter how much we tried to reason with her, show her the new stand, tried to remind her SHE picked out the new stand with my father, it didn’t matter.

I left their house that evening and I broke down crying when my partner picked me up. It was emotionally and physically exhausting. My Dad lives with her alone, and I don’t know how he manages.. or how much longer he will be able to. He has to take over the cooking, cleaning, shopping, everything.

He wants to sell the house and move to something smaller and more manageable but that is a whole other fight.

Part of me wants it to progress to the point where she doesn’t remember who we are – so my dad can place her in a home where she can get 24/7 care by proffesionals daily… then of course I feel guilty and like a terrible daughter because I think that way sometimes…

I am devastated, and no one else other than my dad understands. Even my brother hasn’t seen how bad it gets. I have no one to talk to about it and it’s crushing.

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