How do people actually die from Alzheimer’s Disease?


How do people actually die from Alzheimer’s Disease?

In: 6615

44 Answers

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When not cared for/monitored properly, Alzheimer’s patients are similar in behaviour to young children.

They can put the stove on and forget about it, hurt themselves accidentally and forget about it, forget to eat.

If they have a headache, they might take an aspirin. But aspirins take a bit to work, and they might forget they already took one, so they take another. And another. They could accidentally overdose without remembering even a single pill.

When you get sick, you just wait it out a day before going to a doctor. Someone with Alzheimer’s may forget they were sick the day before as well, and treat the 10th day as the first. They’ll never visit a doctor if they don’t remember feeling a bit ill for longer than a few hours.

Alzheimer’s creates an environment where someone can die from dozens of seemingly unrelated causes

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