How do people design the save game feature in large/complex games?


The save game feature seems simple but it’s mind-blowing how it can return the exact state of a game with all elements/events organised in the correct order. Can anyone explain how it works?

In: 668

39 Answers

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I’ll try an actual ELI5:

Imagine you’re going about your day, but today is an important day and you need to remember everything you did, so you can do it again tomorrow. So what you can do is write down everything you do, so you have a clear list of things to follow the next day.

You don’t need to write down *everything* like every footstep you take, so you only take note of things that are actually important. Like, I made coffee, and added milk and sugar.

In principle, that’s how many save game systems work as well. You write down everything that is important, so when you go to recreate the same day, we just put everything that is important in its proper place, like the fact that you have a cup of coffee, with milk and sugar waiting on your desk.

Some games make note of more things, some games need to make note of fewer things. It all depends on the type of game and the specific design of those areas of the game. For example, your game might only have one type of coffee, with no milk and sugar as an option, so it only needs to write down that you made coffee.

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