how do people die instantly?


You typically see people deteriorating and stop breathing or fall into a state of unconsciousness – this seems steady. But when you read of freak accidents like being decapitated internally (the spinal cord detaching from the head), how do you just die instantly? If the brain can survive 6 minutes without oxygen until pronounced brain dead…how does someone just die? Even if your heart stops beating there and then, how do you just drop dead?

Edit: thanks!

In: 89

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My sister died a few months ago and I had been caring for her for over 4 years. I walked her to her bed she sat down and i lifted her feet and as she was just about to put her head on the pillow she breated wierd twice and then she died. That quick i couldn’t believe it i tried for 20 minutes with heart compressions till the ambulance came but it was to late!

We were talking 10 seconds before she put her head on the pillow and then dead seconds later. I still believe how quick a person can die. The ambulance guy said her heart had gave up.

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