How do people grow giant (>2000lbs) pumpkins?


How do people grow giant (>2000lbs) pumpkins?

In: 115

13 Answers

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I have a friend that grows competition vegetables. Some of the things he does:

1) start the seeds extremely early. For example he starts his onion seeds in December for onions to be judged for sizing in September/October

2) grow in a custom soil mix. Extra fluffy for root veggies, high in Potassium for fruiting veggies

3) ensure zero competition with other plants/weeds. This usually means dedicating a whole garden area to the one plant

4) manipulate the temperature as necessary. Certain veggies do better in cold. If it’s too warm out, some people will tent the plants and pump air from a portable A/C into the tent, some with a heater if it’s too cold

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