how do people not immediately freeze when they skydive?


If it is so cold at the top of mountains, I’d assume it only gets colder, the closer you get to space? I started this post with the question ‘how do planes not freeze when they fly.’ Did a search and found that planes use heating elements. Did another search and found that skydiving can happen at the same general altitude as any other flight. So how do people not freeze when they jump out of planes?

In: 4

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It does get colder the higher up you go. At typical skydiving altitudes, it can be around 20 degrees colder than it is on the ground – so in summer it’s nice and cool but in winter temperatures can be well below zero.

Nonetheless, you’re not up there very long – not long enough to risk hypothermia, although frostbite could be a danger when it’s really cold. The plane isn’t usually heated, but until the door opens you’re mostly protected from the elements. The freefall only lasts a bit over a minute – once the parachute is open you’re at a lower altitude so it’s not quite as cold (still colder than it is on the ground, though).

You just have to be aware that it will be colder at altitude and dress accordingly.

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