how do people not immediately freeze when they skydive?


If it is so cold at the top of mountains, I’d assume it only gets colder, the closer you get to space? I started this post with the question ‘how do planes not freeze when they fly.’ Did a search and found that planes use heating elements. Did another search and found that skydiving can happen at the same general altitude as any other flight. So how do people not freeze when they jump out of planes?

In: 4

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I did it, I was in t-shirt and shorts, a little over 10k up… the free fall from jumping to pulling the chute isn’t long, less than a minute… the last 5ish mins was gliding down with the chute, quite a cool view imo at that point (I went in duluth so I could see the great lakes and stuff)… so I’d say it’s like running out in the winter in pj’s to start the car, it was cold and for the first few seconds as you’re getting out, but once I was out and falling, the temp wasn’t really a main focus… more just gather bearings and trying to sprawl out right so you don’t tumble.. I was back in the warm air before I realized how it felt like I’d went into the walk-in fridge at my school to quick grab something and left

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