how do people not immediately freeze when they skydive?


If it is so cold at the top of mountains, I’d assume it only gets colder, the closer you get to space? I started this post with the question ‘how do planes not freeze when they fly.’ Did a search and found that planes use heating elements. Did another search and found that skydiving can happen at the same general altitude as any other flight. So how do people not freeze when they jump out of planes?

In: 4

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From some google searches: air temperature decreases by 3C every thousand feet. So at the height of your average skydiving jump (10,000 feet), it should be 30C cooler than ground temperature. This is a *much* lower altitude than typical airline flights, which are at 30-40,000 feet.

At 10,000 feet, the outside temperature is probably around 0C on a summer day. Pretty cold, but not enough to immediately freeze a person. From other searches, it sounds like for a typical skydive, you’re only in free fall for about a minute, with the rest of the time parachuting. At that height (5,000 feet), you’re already halfway down, so the temperature would only be 15C cooler than the ground. It would be chilly, but not terrible. So you’re only in really cold temperatures for less than a minute, and even then, it’s not enough to freeze a person.

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