how do people not immediately freeze when they skydive?


If it is so cold at the top of mountains, I’d assume it only gets colder, the closer you get to space? I started this post with the question ‘how do planes not freeze when they fly.’ Did a search and found that planes use heating elements. Did another search and found that skydiving can happen at the same general altitude as any other flight. So how do people not freeze when they jump out of planes?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Did another search and found that skydiving can happen at the same general altitude as any other flight

Maybe a general aviation (small plane) flight but not at the level a jet airliner flies at

Skydives are at 10k-14k feet, anything above 15k and you need supplemental oxygen. Jet airliners fly at 30-40k feet

Its cold at 14,000 feet but the air is thin so it can’t pull heat from you that fast and you’ll go from cold 14,000 feet air to much warmer 5,000 feet air in about a minute of freefall. You can walk outside in the winter without a coat for tens of minutes without freezing, a single minute isn’t an issue

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