How do people see the dress as Black/Blue when the RGB values shows that the color of the dress in the Image is a light purple and a brown ish color?


How do people see the dress as Black/Blue when the RGB values shows that the color of the dress in the Image is a light purple and a brown ish color?

In: Other

7 Answers

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The idea is that your eyes adjust for ambient lighting conditions to determine the real color of the objects viewed. In this case the photograph is evidently washed out from bright lighting behind it, resulting in altered colors. While we can directly sample the colors recorded in the photograph those aren’t actually the colors of the original dress (obviously blue and black).

People who think it is white and gold are misinterpreting the washed out color alteration as the original color, assuming the blue tint is the skewed color. They assume the dress is in some sort of blue shadow instead of a yellow glare.

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