How do people who are “good” at pinball manage to consistently avoid those random bounces that just go right down the middle out that there is no counter-play for?

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I have always wanted to get into pinball. But the few times I decided to really give it a go. I could do alright but most of my games seemed to end with a bounce that went straight down the middle out with nothing I can do about it.

When you watch professional pinball players. It doesnt matter what game it is they always seem to be able to avoid those shots even if its their first time on a machine.

So there has to be a method or developable skill to it. But I cant for the life of me understand it.

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43 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pinball is one of those games like poker where there is skill and luck involved. A lot of times the bad bounces happen when you barely miss the ramp you are aiming for, so a good player hits the ramp at a higher percentage than a bad player. The one pinball game I play is called Pro Pinball Timeshock. Highly recommend as it’s very high skill ceiling and there is just an insane amount of content in it. Several explorations, video mode, several rewards that I won’t spoil. I have never “beaten” the game, but I’ve had like 4 locked balls and I don’t think I had enough tachyonium or souvenirs to get to the dawn of time. Crazy game

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