How do people who are “good” at pinball manage to consistently avoid those random bounces that just go right down the middle out that there is no counter-play for?

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I have always wanted to get into pinball. But the few times I decided to really give it a go. I could do alright but most of my games seemed to end with a bounce that went straight down the middle out with nothing I can do about it.

When you watch professional pinball players. It doesnt matter what game it is they always seem to be able to avoid those shots even if its their first time on a machine.

So there has to be a method or developable skill to it. But I cant for the life of me understand it.

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43 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different games have different shots that are dangerous. People figure out how to avoid those, or find alternatives. 

Maybe a shot from your right flipper to hit something is dangerous, but it’s safe with your left? 

Maybe you can “backhand” a particular shot that’s otherwise dangerous? 

Maybe shooting the ball to a target when the ball is moving puts a dangerous and unpredictable spin on it? (Pinballs are HEAVY, there is a lot of momentum in spin) Maybe other types of bounces adds spin that you need to consider?

And in situations when the ball might get into a dangerous spot, you can often nudge the table BEFORE the ball is about to bounce there, so it bounces to a less dangerous part of the table. 

There’s also all sorts of moves that takes some practice to control the ball better, like different catches, passing the ball from one flipper to the other… 

There’s a lot of things that good pinball players do that might not be immediately obvious.

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