how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?


how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?

In: 31

63 Answers

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I worked in a Pharmacy in Germany and we get up to 4 deliveries a day. One in the morning with the stuff that people need that came in just before closing, one before Lunch, one after Lunch and one in the early evening. So everyone can get the stuff they need almost the same day. But we have a lot of Stock too. Stuff thats needed a lot like painkillers, fever medicine for Kids, yada yada is a must.
In smaller citys its even normal for your Pharmacy to Stock medication for certain people. Like we had a few diabetics and someone with a Heart Problem, we always had their stuff ready so they never needed to wait!

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