how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?


how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?

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63 Answers

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They don’t have everything ready at all time. It also depends on the country the pharmacy is in. For example in most countries meds are prepackaged to begin with. Only in the USA they get packaged by the pharmacy in bottles. So when you go to Germany, everything is packages by the manufacturer and you can get an individual amount of tablets. So there you go and it takes 2 minutes to get it.
Here in the USA in larger ones they have robots that will package the meds in the bottles and label them as well. This is why it can take an hour or two to get it ready.
If it’s something they don’t have in stock but it’s at the nearest warehouse it had to be brought in from there. In general a pharmacy gets a delivery ones a day, so it could be they already got it and you have to wait for a day to get it.
If it’s something uncommon, it might have to be shipped from further away and take a day or two.

Now while it sounds cheaper to have it packages at the pharmacy in needed amounts while in other countries it’s take it all or nothing, other countries are cheaper because pharm companies can’t just charge unusual high amounts.
So when I stock up on meds when visiting other countries, I pay 10% over the counter of what I would pay here.
So just for one medication the money I save already pays for a flight to Europe.

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