how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?


how do pharmacies work? Do they just have every kind of medication at all time? How is a prescription ready within an hour?

In: 31

63 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also consider that a pharmacy absolutely does not stock every single kind of medication ever. A GP’s pharmacy is likely not going to have super specialised medicines because there’s almost no circumstance where it would prescribed. For example: immunosuppressants that are only used after orgsn transplants. The people who need those meds and the people who show up to a GP basicslly do not overlap.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> within an hour?

My friend went to Japan and got a prescription filled. He timed it. 10 minutes. And the pharmacist and asst came out and apologized and bowed for taking so long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> within an hour?

My friend went to Japan and got a prescription filled. He timed it. 10 minutes. And the pharmacist and asst came out and apologized and bowed for taking so long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> within an hour?

My friend went to Japan and got a prescription filled. He timed it. 10 minutes. And the pharmacist and asst came out and apologized and bowed for taking so long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello DEA? Yes I’d like to report a suspicious person planning on robbing a pharmacy on Reddit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello DEA? Yes I’d like to report a suspicious person planning on robbing a pharmacy on Reddit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello DEA? Yes I’d like to report a suspicious person planning on robbing a pharmacy on Reddit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hospital pharmacy tech here, inpatient setting. We have three large carousels that keep the majority of our meds in. About 12 refrigerators for cold storage medications. My site does a lot of transplants so there’s some high cost drugs we keep in stock like factors and chemotherapy.

Generally speaking we have a two weeks supply of most things and get deliveries 5 days a week. If we run out of something we can request it from another hospital in our system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hospital pharmacy tech here, inpatient setting. We have three large carousels that keep the majority of our meds in. About 12 refrigerators for cold storage medications. My site does a lot of transplants so there’s some high cost drugs we keep in stock like factors and chemotherapy.

Generally speaking we have a two weeks supply of most things and get deliveries 5 days a week. If we run out of something we can request it from another hospital in our system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hospital pharmacy tech here, inpatient setting. We have three large carousels that keep the majority of our meds in. About 12 refrigerators for cold storage medications. My site does a lot of transplants so there’s some high cost drugs we keep in stock like factors and chemotherapy.

Generally speaking we have a two weeks supply of most things and get deliveries 5 days a week. If we run out of something we can request it from another hospital in our system.