How do phones get faster every year?


Like when apple releases a new iPhone and there’s a new A17 bionic chip, or whatever they’re on now, how is it 40% faster than the last one? What did they discover in 1 year to make it faster? Why didn’t they make these changes in the last one??

In: 513

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

one way processors get faster is by reducing the physical space between transistors and making them smaller. you might hear things like 8nm processor or 5nm processor. that’s saying how large the transistor is, the smaller they are,the closer you can put them next to each other, the closer they are next to each other the faster they can “communicate”
with each other, the closer they are the more you can put into the same area. it’s a very difficult to get things smaller and smaller. for instance a nanometer is extremely small. 1 meter is 100, 1 centimeter is 100 millimeters , 1 millimeter is 100 microns, 1 micron is 100 nanometers. that means 1 meter is 1,000,000 nanometers. that’s extremely small and you need a factory that can make things at that such small scale with extreme precision. if 2 transistors touch that can mean a failure, if transistors aren’t consistently sized that can mean a failure. a lot of big corporations don’t make their own processor dies (samsung, AMD, Nvidia, apple) they buy them through TSMC which spends billions in R&D to create ways to make such microscopic things

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