How do phones get faster every year? 1.32K viewsDecember 31, 2023 Question100.55K August 9, 2023 0 Comments Like when apple releases a new iPhone and there’s a new A17 bionic chip, or whatever they’re on now, how is it 40% faster than the last one? What did they discover in 1 year to make it faster? Why didn’t they make these changes in the last one?? In: 513 35 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted August 9, 2023 0 Comments Basiclly sell you a phone running 25% of its max power.. then they just increase the power a little every year.. Same with cpu, gpu’s etc. Why?…. Money! You are viewing 1 out of 35 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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