How do planted seeds know which was is up?


How do planted seeds know which was is up?

In: 127

10 Answers

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There are different parts of the seed. They grow up to be different parts of the plant. The part of the seed that will grow up to be the stem, leaves, flowers will naturally take the harder direction to grow. The gravity that keeps the dirt down is always pulling things down. So it’s harder to grow up than to give into gravity and grow down. The stem,leaves, flowers part of the seed know this and grow up in the harder direction.

Remember the parts of the seed turning into parts of the plant? The part that grows up to be roots decided that it’s easier to grow down than up against gravity. So the roots grow down into the dirt towards the earth. They also know the nutrients they need are in that direction and will grow toward them as well.

Also fun fact, actually, I’m not totally sure this is true but I think it is. The reason why plants grow towards the light is because the part of the plant that isn’t receiving light doesn’t have anything else to do but grow. (The side with the light is doing all that photosynthesis stuff). So the backside without light is just growing more.

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