how do podcasts and apps make money?


Any time I get an advert on a game app its for another game app, and all podcast ad breaks seem to be for other podcasts. Isn’t the money just moving in a circle? Feels like the ‘self sustaining economy’ in IASIP?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depending on what and how it’s being advertised, it’s straight curiosity. Like someone else said, it’s pretty much direct association to whatever it is you’re watching.

So if you’re already interested in that one thing, another thing comes along that might be similar, you’re more inclined to check it out.

As for making money, it is a cycle, but it also depends on what it is that is being sold to you. Apps? Well some of those apps have HEAVY in app transactions, so even if you don’t buy into it, someone else is just as likely to buy into it.

Usually it’s also about reach. The more places they’re advertising the more people get curious, the more curious the more they actually visit. You get the idea, and even if you say out of 50k people who do visit only a small percentage buy anything that’s being sold. Say the podcast has apparel or the apps have in-app purchases. Depending on the minimum or max $ you have available. There WILL be that % buying.

Say it’s 5% buying something that’s 10$. That’s $25k. Sure it might not seem like a lot, but if almost all of that goes back into advertisement then they have a likely hood of reaching more people. There’s a bit more to it than just that, but that’s how it’s basically done at just a glance.

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