how do podcasts and apps make money?


Any time I get an advert on a game app its for another game app, and all podcast ad breaks seem to be for other podcasts. Isn’t the money just moving in a circle? Feels like the ‘self sustaining economy’ in IASIP?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Thats it. Advertising. They sell ads. All those ads you hear, doesn’t matter if its for toilet paper, another app, another podcast, to elect George Santos, or razors. They are paid ads.

If you’re wondering why do you get an ad for a game when playing a game? Or a podcast while playing a podcast. Its the same reason you have previews before a movie and commercials for TV shows on TV. You know who a likely person to play a mobile game is? Someone who is playing a mobile game. Do you know who is likely to listen to podcasts? Someone who is listening to a podcast.

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