How do police use dental records to identify dead people?


If they don’t know who you are they can’t go to YOUR dentist, right? Is there a National database that stores all of our our bitewings – I don’t remember consenting to that! And teeth look a lot alike on those X-rays – do you need special training to tell one set apart from another?

In: 1811

31 Answers

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In theory, when a missing person is entered into NCIC (US national database of missing/wanted persons/stuff) things like dental info, fingerprints, even DNA can be entered. If the data exists and the reporting person provides it, there are places to enter it. Most reporting people however don’t seem to even know the missing’s blood type, so you can guess how often that happens.

If an unidentified body (or body part) turns up, it can also be entered into NCIC with as much data as is available. The system then runs cross checks of other Person’s files and notifies the entering agencies of possible matches.