How do predators convey to their young whether to follow them or not?


I was watching Dynasties II on BBC and it shows puma cubs following their mother except when their mother goes to hunt or challenge another adult. How does the mother (or other predator species parents) convey to the cubs whether to stay put or come along?

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More or less the same way humans do, they tell them to “wait here” or “follow” or “danger ahead” or whatever other message.

Wild animals do not have “language” the way you and I are using English but they are quite capable of communicating survival based ideas.

The mechanics of the message are basically growls(some outside of human hearing) and body language(often too subtle for a human to notice).

Animals also come born with a lot better developed brain and body than a human. A new born kitten is probably nearly as capable as a human is at 4~ and the develop *fast* to be fully “adult” by around 1 year.