How do Prism lenses Work for strabismus/exotropia?


So I recently went to go get an eye exam and my optometrist said that she would quote “put prisms” in my lenses. I did ask what they were but unfortunately I have bad adhd and admittedly I didn’t pay much attention to what exactly she said. Apparently she said I had strabismus and that my left eye tended to drift outward when not focused (when covered or relaxed or tired or having nothing to focus on like in the dark) and when I asked her if there was anything I could do about it she said I could just try eye exercises like pencil push-ups but I’m not sure as to how to do them or if I’m doing it right (background looks blurry and doubles if I’m focused on pencil tip and when brought to nose it gets doubled and blurry). Then she also suggested I should try prisms and when she put the lenses over my eye I was so shocked because my eyes finally felt like they were working together and my vision became sharper and more clear. I said yes to try them and am waiting to get my new lenses. However I’m curious as to how it works? Will these lenses make my eyes stop drifting? Will it cure me or just help? How does it make my vision “united” for lack of a better term?

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Prism in a lens means that on side of the lens is thicker than the other. The overall prescription remains the same but the focal image is moved. So if you have eyes that don’t point in the same direction it redirects the optics to align with the wonky eye. It doesn’t cure the condition but it does help with the symptoms.

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