How do private bodyguards function against armed threats in places where it’s illegal to carry?


Private bodyguards have the same rights as every other civilian. This means that if a state prohibits people from having firearms, private bodyguards wouldn’t be treated differently.

How then will a private unarmed bodyguard be able to protect a vip in very dangerous parts of town where almost everyone (Edit: a lot of persons) has illegally obtained firearms? Are they trained to disarm people? Or do they just scatter and bail?

In: 198

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a couple things going on here.
1. Private security companies can be armed under certain c circumstances. Ever been in a bank with an armed guard but they weren’t police? It doesn’t always work in every state with a lot of traveling but in some situations it can work. It does vary by area to area but armed private security isn’t really that uncommon. There’s almost certainly permitting required but that’s up to the company for how badly it’s needed.
2. Executive protection isn’t always about getting in shootouts. In fact, long prolonged engagements are detrimental to the protectee’s life. The highest priority in protection is getting the protectee out of the threat area. [Using Regan’s shooting as an example. ]( The first thing Special Agent Jerry Parr did was yeet Reagan into the limo to get him away. Other agents did respond with force, but the primary consideration is getting away from the threat. There’s also just the awareness of other things. Venue choices, where is transportation, how fast can they get to it, is this crowd too close, etc.

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