How do produce stands in NYC, Montreal, and other major cities sell their items for less than most big box chains?


In NYC, there are plenty of produce vendors on the street that sell aesthetic, fresh fruit for less than cost conscious mega-chains, like Wal Mart, Trader Joes, and Wegmans. The big chains have negotiating power, wholesale discounts, and economies of scale to help them profit on tiny margins. So, how is it that my small, local, fruit stand can outcompete pricewise with national chains and still stay afloat?

In: 2607

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Borderlands Foods In Tucson AZ harvests 1000’s of tonnes of “too small and too big” and oversupply, fruits and veggies from farms in AZ CA And Mexico, at a significant discount, go online to see when and where their trucks are visiting each week. I remember several years ago, with a bumper crop of Grapes in the Pacific, Northwest, they had a buy one bag of grapes, get 4 more, free! It’s all perfectly good produce, except the big grocery chains have specific sizes they want for their produce, Borderlands gives you the under, and oversized veggies and fruits for a very low price. Look them up on the internet, get some low cost healthy food!

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