How do professional cupon people end up getting paid to take grocery items?


How do professional cupon people end up getting paid to take grocery items?

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A big part is finding loopholes in coupons, especially when coupled with store promotional offers (sales, coupon matching).

Eg – there’s a coupon for 50c off a tube of X Brand toothpaste. Your local store has travel size versions of it, and there’s no size listed on the coupon. Then the store has a general coupon match while a separate sale on travel accessories is on. The toothpastes were $1, now they’re 75cents.

If the coupon doesn’t have any restrictions this can turn into a 25cent credit. Then you get 200 travel toothpastes and coupon each one.

A lot of coupon and stores have policies that coupons/sales/matches can’t reduce the price below zero, so you can’t stack them anymore, and some places have things like “max 20 coupons per customer” that also makes extreme couponing impractical.

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