How do recycling factories deal with the problem of people putting things in the wrong bins?


How do recycling factories deal with the problem of people putting things in the wrong bins?

In: Other

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly trash it. But something like 60% of recycling winds up there anyway so I dont bother unless it’s like steel or aluminum that actually pays for it.

Paper/wood goes in the fire, organics go to the chickens, plastics go to the trash, cause it dosnt matter anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In most cases they don’t. Large share of things shipped to recycling plants ends up on landfill because it’s contaminated with non-recyclables.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes they don’t- they can just send the whole load to the landfill instead of processing it if there’s excessive trash contamination.

But recycling facilities usually employ either humans to stand on the conveyor lines and separate recyclables from trash, or automated equipment that does the same thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. It all ends up in landfill.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Where I work we get paid bonus to do the right recycling. One person is to check the bins every week. No recycling means no bonus. They take little bit of money at the time and every month they show us the numbers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My recycling collector pick up the bin and if you mix or put anything by mistake, he left the box and put a note on top. Same if your refuse bin is open they won’t pick it up. They ‘educate’ people this way. Recycling bin out every week, refuse bin every other week.
One box box plastic, one box for glass, one sack for cardboard, one big bin for normal trash, one little box for food waste(you have to put in a proper bag so they can take it) and one bin for garden waste. You have to do it all the recycling and pay council tax so they can pick it up. Free money?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of the time the blue bins and trash bins go to the same factories and they just go through the same process for both bins to collect and profit off of as much recycling they can. It’s very common for a lot of cities to dump it altogether and just go through it all at once. I use to work at one when I was real young. Worst job ever but now I can probably smell dead corpses and not gag from the smell.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have great recycling. 3 bins, general (incineration), recycling (paper, plastic, card, batteries, clothing, small electronic items, glass, etc) and garden/food waste. Fortunately collection s. The recycling plant does all the sorting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was in jail for a few months about 10 years ago. They put me on the work crew and about 12 of us would go to eco cycle and sort trash. Its all on a conveyer belt and you’re assigned specific trash. They have these MASSIVE bins that you toss the specific trash into. That’s the only sorting method that I knew of, free labor from the jail.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have single stream recycling. You are supposed to just mix everything together in the same bin. Glass, metal plastic, paper, etc. They have a massive sorting facility full of special machines that sort each material out. There are humans who pick out non-recyclables but mostly it’s machines.