How do restaurants charge your card for the tip if they already ran your card and gave it back to you before giving you the receipt you wrote the tip on?


How do restaurants charge your card for the tip if they already ran your card and gave it back to you before giving you the receipt you wrote the tip on?

In: 169

52 Answers

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One of the teens at our church was charged by the police for ripping off customers at the restaurant where he worked by increasing the size of customer tips. This followed a customer complaint. He was fired but what the outcome of the legal charge was, I don’t know.

Alternatively, I once received an email from my credit card company wanting to know if I had actually given a rather large tip on a meal. It asked, “did you get really good service at such and such restaurant on such and such day, or was this a fraudulent charge”. The tip was legitimate as we had used the restaurant for a business meeting occupying their table for more than an hour while drinking only coffee.

I also got a telephone call from my mother’s credit card company (I had her power of attorney) wanting to know if she bought a snow board and some weight lifting equipment. Seemed an unusual purchase for an 88 year old woman.

So, there are checks built in to the credit card system.

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