how do restaurants handle same orders arriving in small intervals?


A customer orders x.. The kitchen starts preparing it.. But in few seconds another guy orders the same dish.. Do they start fresh for the next order? Chime on the previous order . What’s the strategy?

In: 171

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It would depend entirely on what it is. Some things are handled as they come, like steaks and chicken breasts; You can’t realistically cook those ahead of time.
If I’m on the line at a place that mainly sells chicken wings, and we’re in a dinner rush, I’m NOT just dropping what is being rang in. Let’s say I have a total of 120 wings I have to cook that have all rang in in the last 8 minutes. I’m gonna go ahead and drop 160, at least, because I can reasonably expect that, if 120 have come in in 8 minutes, it is not unreasonable to think that at least 20-40 more will ring in before the 120 I need are done, ESPECIALLY since it’s a dinner rush. They’ll be gone long before they get too cold to safely sell, especially combined with a heat lamp, which such a place will absolutely have.

I would do the same thing with burgers if I know from experience that I’m going to be selling a lot, though you have to be careful with how much you sandbag; You don’t want to waste food, but you CAN’T sell unsafe food.

Also, depending on how quickly it comes in, you can just drop more at the same time. Let’s say 2 orders of scrambled eggs walk in. Oil your pan, add your eggs, scrambled the yolks and whites real fast, and put it on the heat. If, within the next minute or so, 2 more orders of scrambled eggs come in, you can simply add it in the same pan; They’ll all become done at the same time (Simplified a little bit).

There are tons of little tricks, many specific to certain individual locations of even the same franchise, for dealing with this exact problem.

TL;DR Cook a little more than what is ordered if you have good reason to believe you’ll sell it in time/Some things can have more added if caught early enough. Barring those two, the honest answer is to just move faster.

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