how do restaurants handle same orders arriving in small intervals?


A customer orders x.. The kitchen starts preparing it.. But in few seconds another guy orders the same dish.. Do they start fresh for the next order? Chime on the previous order . What’s the strategy?

In: 171

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t start a dish from scratch each time. They build dishes out of “building blocks” if you will, and just combine it different ways for each unique dish. If you think about something like Chipotle or Subway (I know this is not what you are asking but just go with it) they have less than two dozen items all in different containers, and put them together in different ways to make hundreds (thousands?) of combinations. So different kinds of pastas are mostly ready to go, and then different sauces, and then a “base” of a salad and then a bunch of “add ons” for the salads to make different kinds, different meats are already cooked and just warm and ready to go. So cooked chicken can go in a salad, or in a pasta dish or whatever. So these different base items are available, and many of them are already made and in sitting in bags ready to be warmed up (depending on the actual restaurant).

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