how do restaurants handle same orders arriving in small intervals?


A customer orders x.. The kitchen starts preparing it.. But in few seconds another guy orders the same dish.. Do they start fresh for the next order? Chime on the previous order . What’s the strategy?

In: 171

18 Answers

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This is done in two main ways.

First, Stations.

Cooks in restaurants are in charge of “the grill”, or “the salads”, or “the sides”, or “the fryer”. The main cook/head chef will often read out the order. Each station listens for the things they have to prepare. Once ready, the head chef handles making it look pretty on the plate.

Second, Preparation.

If it can be done early it will. Even noodles can be par-boiled to reduce cook times. (Had a job that did this for portions too)

(Fun Fact: Many times in restaurants, “Steamed Veggies” are not steamed. Most cooks blanche them as it’s faster and helps retain crispness and color.)

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