how do restaurants handle same orders arriving in small intervals?


A customer orders x.. The kitchen starts preparing it.. But in few seconds another guy orders the same dish.. Do they start fresh for the next order? Chime on the previous order . What’s the strategy?

In: 171

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends. A busy restaurant will batch certain things. For example expo would give the cook an all day (total orders on the board). “You have 5 crispy fingerlings, 3 Brussels, 4 fries. Give me 2 fingers, 1 Brussel, 2 fries first”

If you order a NY strip and 5 minute later someone else does too, they go on the grill 5 minutes apart. Then expo will call to the veg guy “2 ny strip set ups all day” and they’ll get them both ready to the point they could be plated within a minute or two. Then they hold until the steaks are ready.

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