how do restaurants handle same orders arriving in small intervals?


A customer orders x.. The kitchen starts preparing it.. But in few seconds another guy orders the same dish.. Do they start fresh for the next order? Chime on the previous order . What’s the strategy?

In: 171

18 Answers

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Whenever possible, restaurants do all the cooking ahead of time. When you order the food, they just do whatever is necessary to combine pre-prepared elements and apply the right kind/amount of heat. Using this system, the kitchen can get dozens of orders all at roughly the same time and send the food out without significant delay.

You seem to be asking if restaurants will, on the fly, combine this last step for two people who order the same thing at the same time. i.e. two people order spaghetti and meatballs, so they prepare a double order, then split it between two plates. I think this is rare because it makes the process more complicated than just a fixed list of procedures. You don’t want to make line cooks figure out on the fly how much longer it takes to reheat a double portion of tomato sauce. It also shouldn’t be something the kitchen relies on because it won’t work well if customers have dietary restrictions or request modifications. Finally, for a lot of restaurant dishes, it doesn’t really matter. For sandwiches or classic “protein with sides” plates, there aren’t really any advantages to preparing two plates “together”.

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