how do rich celebs still get botched plastic surgery


I used to think that the only reason why people come out with plastic surgery fails is because they are too cheap to hire very skilled professionals and then opt for the low budget surgeons who then do a horrible job.

But then I see even rich celebs like Madonna, who has access to decent surgeons still ending up with awfully done plastic surgery, and it makes me wonder.

Are there more factors that determine how successful a plastic surgery (most especially the face) is? Or do rich people end up with poorly done surgery because the surgeon wasn’t skilled enough

In: 190

57 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

there’s a risk of complication for every surgery. and you’re more likely to hear about them for famous people. and it depends on the procedure as well. some procedures are more risky than others ie anything involving the facial structure. so it just follows statistics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

there’s a risk of complication for every surgery. and you’re more likely to hear about them for famous people. and it depends on the procedure as well. some procedures are more risky than others ie anything involving the facial structure. so it just follows statistics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

there’s a risk of complication for every surgery. and you’re more likely to hear about them for famous people. and it depends on the procedure as well. some procedures are more risky than others ie anything involving the facial structure. so it just follows statistics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say there ARE a lot of good surgeons, who disagree to do certain operations, or disagree about the intensity/ frequency.
Thus, the celebrities move on until they find one who will do the desired procedure. However, this is not a good one anymore.
Plastic surgery may be an addiction, and the people need the next operation no matter the risks, or reputation of the surgeon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say there ARE a lot of good surgeons, who disagree to do certain operations, or disagree about the intensity/ frequency.
Thus, the celebrities move on until they find one who will do the desired procedure. However, this is not a good one anymore.
Plastic surgery may be an addiction, and the people need the next operation no matter the risks, or reputation of the surgeon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say there ARE a lot of good surgeons, who disagree to do certain operations, or disagree about the intensity/ frequency.
Thus, the celebrities move on until they find one who will do the desired procedure. However, this is not a good one anymore.
Plastic surgery may be an addiction, and the people need the next operation no matter the risks, or reputation of the surgeon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plastic surgery, fillers, etc. are addictive. You get one round from a great surgeon and you look significantly better. But your brain instantly adapts to your new look. It becomes your new baseline. Now you think there’s more little things wrong with you that you fixate on and want fixed. You go back to the good surgeon, but they tell you that you’re being too perfectionist and the fix you want will look bad and overdone, and refuse to do it. Being a rich celebrity who is usually surrounded by sycophants, you are unaccustomed to being told no. Upset at being denied, you simply switch to another surgeon who is willing to do the work you want. Not surprisingly, it ends up looking bad and overdone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It looks to me like there’s one very popular surgeon, but he can only do the one face, and it’s awful

Anonymous 0 Comments

It looks to me like there’s one very popular surgeon, but he can only do the one face, and it’s awful

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plastic surgery, fillers, etc. are addictive. You get one round from a great surgeon and you look significantly better. But your brain instantly adapts to your new look. It becomes your new baseline. Now you think there’s more little things wrong with you that you fixate on and want fixed. You go back to the good surgeon, but they tell you that you’re being too perfectionist and the fix you want will look bad and overdone, and refuse to do it. Being a rich celebrity who is usually surrounded by sycophants, you are unaccustomed to being told no. Upset at being denied, you simply switch to another surgeon who is willing to do the work you want. Not surprisingly, it ends up looking bad and overdone.

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