how do rich celebs still get botched plastic surgery


I used to think that the only reason why people come out with plastic surgery fails is because they are too cheap to hire very skilled professionals and then opt for the low budget surgeons who then do a horrible job.

But then I see even rich celebs like Madonna, who has access to decent surgeons still ending up with awfully done plastic surgery, and it makes me wonder.

Are there more factors that determine how successful a plastic surgery (most especially the face) is? Or do rich people end up with poorly done surgery because the surgeon wasn’t skilled enough

In: 190

57 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another factor: obviously Madonna thinks she looks great and that the surgeries were smashing successes. She wouldn’t be posting photos if she though they’d failed, unless as a warning.

That’s a major issue – people think this shit looks awesome. It must be some sort of visual dysmorphia kind of thing, for all I can tell. It’s more about taste and self-perception I guess.

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