How do satellites get put into orbit? They must be organized in some way so they don’t crash into eachother.


How do satellites get put into orbit? They must be organized in some way so they don’t crash into eachother.

In: 77

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are actually several agencies and even companies, that keep track of satellite & debris orbits.

All together they usually mostly “play nice” with each other, share a lot of information. And so around that mutual willingness to share data between agencies and companies, a kind of de facto system has evolved in which everyone mostly stays out the way of everyone else.


As for which agencies specifically…

Probably the organization that tracks the most satellites and debris, I am guessing, is probably the US Department of Defense’s United State Space Surveillance Network (SSN).

Control and operations of the SSN has recently been transferred over to the new US military branch: Space Force.


In addition, NASA does a lot of work and tracking on this, with their Orbital Debris Program Office.


As well, you’ve got NORAD:

North American Aerospace Defense Command.

This is actually a joint US-Canada military command operation that’s been running since the late 1950’s!

Which means I guess they’re probably the oldest organization that does orbital and space tracking. They too give away and publish a lot of orbital tracking data, by issuing regular report-files.

Interestingly, NORAD has expanded their monitoring to including North American aircraft-flight air space, as well as monitoring for drug-trafficking air craft.

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