how do scam messages work? They’re not physically typing in a username/phone number right? How does your info end up being used?


how do scam messages work? They’re not physically typing in a username/phone number right? How does your info end up being used?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the particular scam.

If you are talking about the “wrong number” scams, they typically try to strike up a conversation with you and build a bit of trust. Eventually, they’ll try to convince you to buy some product they like or invest in some “amazing” new opportunity they have access to. **That** is the scam.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really any differently than a company keeps info of their customers in databases and uses it to systematically contact them.

When such a company has a security breach and gets their data stolen, the info usually ends up for sale through darkweb channels, and a scammer can buy it from there to do some systematic contacting of their own. Particularly enterprising groups might cut out the middle man and do the breaching themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Companies and websites get breached all the time, and sometimes the information that’s obtained includes your name and phone number. These databases end up floating around various sites/the dark web and make their way into the hands of telemarketers. Or your details are sold directly to them willingly by companies you do business with. Either way, your name and number and probably other info ends up on a telemarketing list. Sometimes they just randomly generate phone numbers, it’s a known format.

The telemarketers then have computer programs send bulk text messages automatically using SMS gateways or other internet-connected messaging infrastructure. Or the software dials the numbers automatically using a VOIP gateway, and anyone who answers gets connected to some call centre in whatever country has people desperate enough to get paid next to nothing convincing naive people to send money or access their computer or whatever.