How do scammers and robots call from already existing phone numbers?


Like today I got a bot call from a number, then a person called me from that number asking if I had called THEM because they had a missed call from me…

EDIT:Thank you to all who answered! I understand now.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you get a lot of calls that disconnect as soon as you say “hello?” Do you get lots of voicemail with dead air?

To my knowledge these types of calls are used to determine if the phone number they dialed is in service. When you say “hello” they can verify the number (somehow, but I don’t know specifics. Probably voice recognition AI of some sort).

Once it’s verified they can do two things:

Sell your phone number to other scanners, and/or spoof your number to call others. Spoofing a number is manipulation of the caller identification data, so it appears to be something different than the actual number. It’s easy to do – years ago I had software that allowed me to do exactly that.

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