How do screens show same content in different resolutions? Like if I watch a movie or play a game in 640×480 vs 1920×1080 resolution, does one show MORE content compared to the other?


How do screens show same content in different resolutions? Like if I watch a movie or play a game in 640×480 vs 1920×1080 resolution, does one show MORE content compared to the other?

In: 1

Anonymous 0 Comments

In short, yes.

Movies are pre-rendered, so there is a maximum resolution if it’s shot digitally and can only be downgraded from there. *Without extensive hand-editing or AI upscaling but I guess you’re not talking about that.

For 3d games though, the models are defined mathematically and rendered in real time, so you can upscale it as high as your computer and monitor will allow. The only limits would be in texture and particle resolutions because those are usually raster images (pixels rather than vectors). Playing in higher resolution will show you more detail until you hit said limits of the texture files themselves. Increasing the render resolution above that point will just let you see each pixel more clearly lol.