How do seasonal flus come into existence? Is there a patient 0?


People always just say something is “going around” or it’s “flu season”, but how and why does it start at the same time every year? Does it just appear in someone one day as patient 0? Or, if it’s just being passed around, theoretically if we all isolated for like a month (obviously we tried this with covid, but I mean literally 0 contact) would we no longer have seasonal flus?

This question is for both the common cold, sinus-type flu, and the stomach flu

Edit: the quarantine question was purely hypothetical, I know it’s practically impossible in reality

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To expand what others have said on the 30 days of absolute quarantine. It would be theoretically possible, but impractical, expensive and quite a lot of people would die.

To truly separate everyone from everyone else for a while month, you would need a living space for every single person on this world. That alone is so expensive, its almost impossible.

Then you would need to get every single person worldwide to their living space. That might be easy rural areas, where everybody is already pretty far away from their neighbours, but in city areas and slums, you would need to relocate billions of people for hundreds of kilometers.

Then everybody would need food for a whole month in advance, as well as a wide set of medication in case they get sick. Have fun figuring out the logistics for that.

Then you would need to ensure that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this world adheres to the isolation. Good luck.

And a lot of people would die, because everybody who needs help from another person (elderly, injured, sick people, people whose house is on fire, …) wouldn’t be able to get help, so they would most likely die.

But we would be rid of the flu and a lot of other diseases.

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