How do seasonal flus come into existence? Is there a patient 0?


People always just say something is “going around” or it’s “flu season”, but how and why does it start at the same time every year? Does it just appear in someone one day as patient 0? Or, if it’s just being passed around, theoretically if we all isolated for like a month (obviously we tried this with covid, but I mean literally 0 contact) would we no longer have seasonal flus?

This question is for both the common cold, sinus-type flu, and the stomach flu

Edit: the quarantine question was purely hypothetical, I know it’s practically impossible in reality

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, consider that “flu season” is roughly around Fall and Winter, and these seasons always exist somewhere on Earth. So, these diseases and bacteria don’t necessarily go away, but move with the season. By the time fly season comes back for a specific area it has transmitted and mutated so many times it’s not going to be quite the same as last years.

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