how do “seeds” work in video games such as Minecraft?

2.41K viewsOtherTechnology

For example, how does an infinitely randomized world like Minecraft manage to generate me an identical world to my friend with just a handful of numbers that they send me?

In: Technology

23 Answers

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The way I explained this to a friend the other day is, when minecraft is generating a world, the placement of everything, is basically a bunch of coin flips or dice rolls. This mountain here is this tall based on a dice roll. This diamond being in this position or not, is a coin flip.

But, computers can’t flip coins or roll dice, they use math to simulate random numbers. And a “seed” is the number that gets used as the input into the math that does the simulation. By using the same seed as the input, you are guaranteed the same world will be generated when you run Minecraft’s world generation sequence.

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