how do “seeds” work in video games such as Minecraft?

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For example, how does an infinitely randomized world like Minecraft manage to generate me an identical world to my friend with just a handful of numbers that they send me?

In: Technology

23 Answers

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It’s not random it’s just REALLY complicated basically. If you do a random assortment of 20 numbers there are over a million possibilities and it “randomly” assigns you one of those strings of numbers

It then uses those numbers to plug into an equation. Think of if it was 4x-3. Then if it produces a number between an and b it makes it a certain biome and then if the last two digits are between c and d it puts a structure in this spot. Thats a huge over simplification but basically it plugs this number into a bunch of equations and one small part of each equation decides each and every block in the world.

It also takes into account a lot of “procedure” which basically means it’s not actually measuring it block by block but more so it says ok this biome is here. Now this biome stops on this block. Now here there is a cave. And then in the block next to where the cave starts it plugs in the number to decide if the cave keeps going or if it turns and stuff like that. Each block is related to the ones next to it to create consistent structures like caves that seem kinda random but at the same time planned and connected

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