How do sexual kinks/fetishes develop?


How do sexual kinks/fetishes develop?

In: 369

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Soooo no one really knows for sure how people end up with weird sexual fetishes and stuff, you know? Some people think it’s about what you’re exposed to and what you learn from it. Like, if you have a really hot and steamy experience with a certain type of thing, you might start thinking about it all the time and wanting to do it again. Others think it might have to do with past experiences or psychological associations. Like, maybe something happened to you that made you really love or hate a particular object or activity, and now you can’t get enough of it (or can’t stand the sight of it).

And some people think it might just be in your DNA or your brain chemistry. Like, maybe you were born with an extra gene that makes you want to dress up in rubber suits and pretend to be a giant hamster or something (no judgment here).

But the bottom line is, it’s all good. Kinks and fetishes are just part of being human, and there’s no such thing as “normal” or “weird” when it comes to what turns you on. Just make sure you always communicate with your partner and get their consent before trying anything new, because that’s the most important thing. And if you’re both into it, go for it!

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