How do sexual kinks/fetishes develop?


How do sexual kinks/fetishes develop?

In: 369

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well… Some certainly happen by chance, but a lot are simply built into people from the get go. People who are into feet seem to just be into feet. Nothing causes it, they just are. It’s kind of like your orientation. You didn’t pick it, nothing made you that way, it’s just how you came out of the womb.

Others… Well if you have a kid grow up loving cartoons with anthro characters (like most kids toons have), and you, an adult, have forgotten just how early human sexuality starts to develop, think absolutely nothing of Minirva Mink giving the camera a sexy wink as part of a gag in the show… Well Little Timmy, who just started noticing girls butts are nice sees that wink and something just hooks in and he goes “hey, she’s a girl too.” Bam! Furry.

Others happen slowly. You get board jerking it or shliking it one day and decide “I wonder what it would feel like if I just slapped my bits?” So you do. Your brain is confused by some crossed signals there, and after a few more times you decide you like it kinda. So you do it every so often and then over time, like Coffee, you wind up smacking your junk while getting off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have lots of experiences throughout life which leave different imprints on your brain, especially during formative years.

Some will have a connection to sexual drives either directly (you see/do something you like, want to repeat it) others by way of a mutation. Usually from an experience or memory that had started out as something unrelated, but at some point been recalled via a sexual experience, and the two then develop embryonically together as they coexist in your brain, becoming a kink or fetish.

That’s my take anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

tldr: some kinks develop from experiencing trauma and developing coping mechanisms to process that trauma.

not speaking for all kinksters, but for a fairly large group of traumatised individuals, it’s been agreed that our kinks develop through trauma. someone with abandonment wounds caused by an abusive / absent parent figure may develop infantilism / age-regressive role play fetishes. rape and sexual assault victims may develop BDSM and CNC kinks. so on and so forth.

in my case, my kink for BDSM developed after a rape that heavily involved such elements like dominance, sadism, bondage, sexual torture, physical pain, asphyxiation (context: rapist was a sadist with a crying kink, put me in a world of physical pain to make me cry so he could get aroused). i tend to end up replaying the elements of my assault in play sessions with safe individuals — bondage, physical pain, extreme dominance, forced stimulation, soft and hard choking, basically being used like a wh*re the same way he made me out to be. kind of got into CNC gb’s (like MMMMMMF) as well as it made me feel most used, most worthless, most helpless.

I did it somewhat self-destructively at the time but slowly learned to appreciate the notion of ultimate control during submission (your safe word ends up being the most important thing in a scene, you have the power to put things to a hard stop even if he is dominating). many victims / survivors of rape and abuse get into either dom/domme or sub roles and engage in kink because it gives them power that was taken away during the assault.

[this article on coping theory is actually a pretty easy-to-digest article on a psychological perspective for how and why coping mechanisms develop.](

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pure conjecture but it must be how you react to external stimuli and process your environment. Just like people aren’t born racist I doubt you could be born with a foot fetish 😂

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I think mine was more discovered or awaken. Was in kindergarten, girl was in a dress flipping around on the monkey bars. Seeds for a Username were planted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Several ways. A similarity towards mental comforts on a subliminal basis or familiarity in deflecting from the stigmatic configuration of it while emphasizing on the sub liminality and attempting to replace instinctual self preservative emotives on physical brain function with “Plastic love” You can have fetishes without it being sexual. I like nails on a chalk board.