How do singers, especially lyrically dense rappers, memorize dozens or even triple digit number of songs?


I’m notoriously bad at memorizing lyrics so it’s mind boggling to me.

In: 368

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chunking is a big part of memorization. It’s also easier to memorize lyrics that go with a song than a long piece of prose with the same word count.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t always. Lil Wayne and Eminem admitted to googling their own bars to make sure they don’t repeat themselves. They really only need to memorize their set for each performance. And a lot of singers lip sync, so there’s that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a couple of reasons. If you’re the one who wrote something it makes it easier to remember. The other is repetition. Doing something over and over again ingrains it in your mind. Do it often enough and you never forget. That said, there are many times when artist forget the words to the songs they are singing. It’s bound to happen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I gaurentee I know all the words like over 100 songs without ever consciously trying.
Brains = gud.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just like with instruments, it’s almost muscle memory once you rehearse enough.

Used to have a band (20+ years ago), we rehearsed days and days, and would listen to the songs in between rehearsal days.

At the moment I can’t remember any of the lattice, but with some songs if I read 4-5 lines the rest come back

Anonymous 0 Comments

1) Hours of study and rehearsals.

2) If the artists are the song writers, that helps to remember them.

3) Teleprompter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know the lyrics to dozens, if not hundreds of songs.

I can recall hundreds of characters and plotlines from hundreds of books, movies, and shows.

Surely, memorizing one’s own work can’t be that difficult?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Practice. When you play 200 shows a year, you’ll be able to recite the lyrics without even thinking about it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean, surely you like the rest of us own a collection of hundreds of songs that you can sing by heart. It’s actually a bit scary to me that brains can do this. (But don’t ask your brain to memorise a lesson for next week’s exam…that’s too much.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s definitely a skill that some people are better at than others. But even the most talented artists still use things like teleprompters for lyrics. And it’s not like an artist always has to have their entire catalog memorized at any given moment. They only have to try to memorize the set of sings they’re doing for a given tour