How do singers, especially lyrically dense rappers, memorize dozens or even triple digit number of songs?


I’m notoriously bad at memorizing lyrics so it’s mind boggling to me.

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29 Answers

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I’m a professional opera singer.
Memorizing large works like operas work like this for me:

1. Memorize 5 words. Anyone can do that step. Practice saying those 5 words over and over until they’re linked together.
2. Now that those 5 words are linked together, they can be remembered as if they were one thing. Now instead of remembering 5 things, you’re only remembering one.
3. Continue adding words this way, dividing the song into chunks, and practice moving between the chunks. (Rock songs can be divided into sections like verses, chorus, and intro/outro)
4. You can expand on this method as much as your brain will allow. It does take practice, good technique, and a certain amount of talent to do it well, but anyone can do it. When I’m prepping an opera, I try to memorize a few pages at a time, reinforcing what I’ve memorized over several days. Eventually, certain lines will trigger the memories of the next ones, and they just start flowing from chunk to chunk.
5. If that’s not working, you can write the lyrics down on a piece of paper, and just memorize the tune, using the words as reference. Practice with and without the lyric sheet to test your memory!

Hope this helps.

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