How do singers, especially lyrically dense rappers, memorize dozens or even triple digit number of songs?


I’m notoriously bad at memorizing lyrics so it’s mind boggling to me.

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29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to what other people have already said, musical people are also just good at remembering stuff like that.

It’s the same as asking a meteorologist to define the different strengths of hurricanes or tornadoes, they probably know the wind speed thresholds off the top of their heads. Or asking a historian what year something happened – within their particular specialty. I wouldn’t expect Eminem to know the lyrics to every Hall & Oates song…

When you repeat something over and over again for years, it just sticks. Sometimes I find myself driving and listening to We Didn’t Start The Fire and singing along… I know all the words and I can sing along without even thinking about them. I get halfway through the song and realize I’ve been singing the whole time without registering any of the lyrics. I’m the same with Eminem’s Hailie’s Song. I just… know the words.

I was at an Ed Sheeran show a long while ago and he forgot the lyrics to The A Team, the song that literally made him famous… he just… blanked. It happens. It not even a particularly fast or lyrically intense song.

What I need an ELI5 for is how they don’t pass out during the verses… If I’m genuinely trying to “sing” along I find myself gasping by the time I get to a chorus.

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