How do sinkholes work?


I was just scrolling and saw a video of a sink-hole forming and just swallowing a rather large area of water/grass. Like all of us I’ve seen photos of the gaping holes in cities etc.

But how do they work? Why do they form? Where did all the mass that was there before them go? Where does the stuff they swallow go? Mass can’t just disappear.

In: 5

5 Answers

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Sinkholes are usually the result of an underground river or what source washing out the dirt and sediment below the area. Eventually, it creates a big enough void that cause the area above to collapse.

If the water source is close enough to the surface, you can see the water, however sometime its deep enough where the dirt/ground above slow enters the void and continues to be washed out. Think of it like sand in an hourglass, but the bottom half has a river washing any sand that falls through

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