How do some animals, like birds and turtles, navigate incredibly long distances during migration without getting lost?


How do some animals, like birds and turtles, navigate incredibly long distances during migration without getting lost?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They rely on a combination of factors, including celestial cues, landmarks, magnetic fields, and innate instincts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s some debate about this but it’s believed that these animals have a magnetic sense that lets them feel Earth’s magnetic field. Certainly, there are people that can sense strong magnetic fields right up against their skin so the idea has some merit.

It should be noted that some bugs navigate without a magnetic sense but by using the direction of the sun and moon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re not really sure. It’s amazing, though. There’s a great chapter in it in Ackerman’s [The Genius of Birds](